BANGOR, WA (WHTC-AM/FM, May 3, 2022) – A Zeeland, Michigan, native is stationed at Naval Base Kitsap (NBK), homeport to west coast ballistic-missile and guided-missile submarines. Chief Petty Officer Russel Drost joined the Navy to travel. Today, Drost serves as a machinist’s mate.
Drost attended Zeeland East High School and graduated in 2006. Today, Drost uses skills and values similar to those found in Zeeland to succeed in the Navy.
Known as America’s “Apex Predators!,” the Navy’s submarine force operates a large fleet of technically-advanced vessels. These submarines are capable of conducting rapid defensive and offensive operations around the world, in furtherance of U.S. national security.
Navy officials say strategic deterrence is the nation’s ultimate insurance program. As a member of the submarine force, Drost is part of a rich 122-year history of the U.S. Navy’s most versatile weapons platform, capable of taking the fight to the enemy in the defense of America and its allies. Serving in the Navy means Drost is part of a team that is taking on new importance in America’s focus on rebuilding military readiness, strengthening alliances and reforming business practices in support of the National Defense Strategy.