ALLEGAN TWP., MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Oct. 12, 2023) – Unlike their compatriots north of Ottagan Street, where almost every action is spotlighted and scrutinized, the Allegan County Board of Commissioners continues to work in relative obscurity.
The five-member governing panel holds its annual evening meeting on Thursday night, with the major topic of discussion is a public hearing prior to a vote on a proposed budget for 2024. County Administrator Rob Sarro’s $45.7 million spending plan is more than six percent higher than the 2023 budget, but no tax increase is expected to cover the increased costs. Also during the meeting, Allegan County Road Commission Managing Director Craig Atwood is expected to present his annual report.
The 7 PM commissioners’ meeting is in the Board Room of the County Services Building (3283 122nd Avenue) in Allegan Township, with an online link to the agenda and supporting documents here.