ZEELAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM) – What will the next fiscal year bring for the City of Zeeland?
The city council will be huddling with City Manager Tim Klunder and other city officials over the next two evenings (Mar. 29 & 30, 2021) to review the proposed administrative budget for the Fiscal Year that begins on July 1st.
“Thankfully, this budget message looks to present a financial picture going into a year with signs of returning to some form of ‘normalcy.’” Klunder wrote in his requested budget document that will be presented for council’s review. “Financially speaking, the city has faired the pandemic reasonably well. We project a gain in fund balance for our General Fund in FY 2020/2021, and we propose a surplus of $29,737 in our proposed FY 2021/2022 General Fund budget
“Given the city’s ability to retain healthy fund balances and reduce our debt load, (along with) 2021 taxable value increases of 2.06%, (and) the fact that our pension and other post-employment benefit obligations continue to be fully funded, this budget proposal includes an extension of last year’s one-mill tax reduction that was initially offered as a temporary one-year reduction at the onset of the pandemic. Furthermore, also realizing that many in our downtown core have continued to be impacted by the pandemic, for the upcoming fiscal year this proposed budget also recommends waiving the downtown maintenance special assessment for the second consecutive year.”
The budget review sessions begin around 5:30 PM on both Monday and Tuesday. Information on how the public can participate in these sessions is here.