HOLLAND TWP., MI (WHTC-AM/FM, July 25, 2024) – A somewhat annual scourge is back along the Lakeshore.
On Thursday, the Ottawa County Department of Public Health announced that the West Nile Virus was detected in a mosquito in the southwestern corner of the county. This was done during recent summer mosquito monitoring activities, but the exact location of where the affected mosquito was, or the date in which the insect was detected, were not disclosed, and no human cases have been reported thus far this year.
The department used this announcement as the backdrop to go over how the disease is transmitted, what symptoms to look for, and ways to prevent being afflicted.
Prevent mosquito bites by:
- Using insect repellent when you are outside.
- Wearing light colored and long-sleeved shirts and pants.
- Treating clothing and outdoor gear with insect repellent.
- Taking steps to control mosquitos in your yard by removing standing water around your home. This can include water in bird baths, children’s wading pools, water bowls for your pets, or in any container that can collect water.
For more information, visit miottawa.org/wnv and cdc.gov/west-nile-virus.