ZEELAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Aug. 7, 2023) – As work continues on building a snowmelt system for downtown Zeeland, the issue of paying for maintaining it could be resolved on Monday evening.
During its biweekly business meeting, the Zeeland City Council is being asked to adopt a special resolution that would establish a 96-cent per cubic foot assessment for property owners whose sidewalks would be enhanced by this snowmelt installation. At a hearing on the matter last month, there was just one public comment among the over 50 entities that would be affected, after some backlash over the initial assessment was directed towards Mayor Kevin Klynstra, his council colleagues, and city staff.
As for the installation itself…
In the work-study session beforehand, Ottawa County Clerk Justin Roebuck will be on hand to go over a proposed contract that would set up an early voting center in the city, to comply with the Proposal 2 statewide initiative approved by the voters last November. The City Council is expected to vote on the matter in the subsequent meeting.
The work-study session begins at 6 PM, with the business meeting starting around 7 PM, in Council Chambers at Zeeland City Hall (21 S. Elm St.). An online link to the agenda and supporting documents is here.