SOUTH HAVEN, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, June 25, 2023) – Just as Michael Vale – Fred the Baker – would say in a series of famous national donut chain television commercials:
The US Army Corps of Engineers needs to dredge the harbors … and in this case, it’s clearing the navigation channel and nourishing the South Haven Harbor shoreline. The King Company of Holland, which has been contracted for several years by the Army Corps to do such a task, will start work in South Haven this week, after it has completed a similar task in St. Joseph, with a target completion date of July 10th, weather permitting.
Around 57,000 cubic yards of tested-safe material will be taken out of the Black River Federal Channel and placed on South Beach, from the South Pier and extending 1,900 feet southward to return sediment trapped between breakwaters to the natural shoreline drifting process, while slowing erosion occurring in the area of depletion, and reduce the risk of flood damage from Lake Michigan to the South Haven Water Filtration Facility. About 18,000 cubic yards of dredged material were placed on South Beach last August.
The Corps urges the public to stay away from the dredging and placement areas until the work is complete, with fencing and signs to that effect in the work area.