HOLLAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, June 14, 2023) – Ten months after Holland voters said yes by around 200 votes to a $30 million dollar ballot proposal for establishing a municipal fiber optic Internet network, just where is this effort standing?
The City Council is slated to get a status update and overview of the Holland BPW project during Wednesday evening’s biweekly study session. Ted Siler is the Utility Services Director for the utility.
According to the BPW website, three years of phased construction is set to begin this fall, with advance signup for joining the network opens early next year, and the first customers should be going online – as well as the first millage levy – in about 12 months from now.
The Holland City Council work-study session, which is open to the public, begins at 6 PM in the second-floor training room of Holland City Hall (270 S. River Ave.).