HOLLAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, May 2, 2022) – Holland-area Republicans can have breakfast with a gubernatorial hopeful on Tuesday morning.
The campaign of Kevin Rinke announced on Monday morning that the candidate will open up the second-day of his statewide “Won’t Back Down” bus tour at the Anna’s House Restaurant off of Felch Street on Holland’s North Side, beginning around 8 AM. Unlike Perry Johnson, a fellow Oakland County-based businessman also financing much of his own gubernatorial aspirations who had made stops in Holland, Grand Haven and Saugatuck last week, Rinke will hold no other appearances along the Lakeshore on this trip, heading north afterwards for lunch in Cadillac.
Johnson and Rinke are among 10 Republicans who submitted petitions with the Michigan Secretary of State’s office last month for consideration on the August 2nd GOP gubernatorial primary election. At this point, that office has not made any announcements as to whether any or all 10 had enough valid signatures to be on the ballot.