OTTAWA COUNTY, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Apr. 22, 2022) – The results of Ottawa County’s comprehensive Broadband Data Collection Survey are in – and they reveal that 10.5% of residents do not have access to fixed (wired or wireless) high-speed internet. In addition, 26% of those with fixed broadband access it at speeds slower than the FCC’s minimum broadband threshold, a standard widely considered insufficient.
The main objective of the survey was to refine broadband availability maps and capture a more accurate picture of current internet accessibility and future needs. This data collection effort was a critical undertaking since existing broadband coverage maps published by the FCC are widely recognized as flawed.
Besides revealing significant gaps in broadband access, the survey’s data clearly shows service is insufficient, and there is significant demand throughout Ottawa County.
• Of the 10.5% of polled residents without broadband access, 72% said no services are available at their address; and 26% said the price is just too high
• 97% of residents without broadband internet access said they were willing to pay between $25-$101 for service. This indicates that most would pay for the service if it was made available
• Only 40% of served residents are satisfied with current provider options
• Only 15% of households have access at industry expert recommended minimum broadband speeds of 100 Mbps download/20 Mbps upload.