HOLLAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Feb. 15, 2022) – The Holland Neighborhood Improvement Committee holds its regular monthly meeting in Council Chambers at Holland City Hall this afternoon.
The major topic on the agenda is a review of the Community Development Block Grant Community Input Meeting and Public Hearing held two weeks ago. The purpose of the sessions were, according to Community Development Coordinator and Planner Mark Kornelis, were to gather what additional data was needed to tell a more accurate story of Holland’s community development-related needs, what those pressing needs and concerns were, and opportunities to address those needs and concerns. A number of topics were discussed during those sessions.
A survey of residents, employees and other concerned stakeholders on main community development issues, conducted over a six-week-long period that ended last Wednesday, will also be discussed during today’s NIC meeting. The panel is then expected to discuss project and activity priorities for the Fiscal 2023 Community Development Block Grant effort.
A link to the agenda and related documents for today’s Holland Neighborhood Improvement Committee meeting is here.