HOLLAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Feb. 1, 2022) – Among the items that the Holland City Council will be deciding in its biweekly meeting on Wednesday evening will be two topics of interest.
The governing panel will vote on approving a Renaissance Zone application from LG Energy Solution that would enable the lithium-ion battery maker to expand its complex off of East 48th Street. The company already has a 15-year zone endorsement when it built the plant in 2010, and the new request stems from the expectation of further growth that would necessitate expanding the facility to a second story. During last week’s public comment in a work-study session to consider the matter, some nearby residents objected, claiming that the plant has rendered their property unsellable. Council approval is necessary before the state makes the final decision on the request later this month.
Council will also vote on some proposed text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance that was adopted last year despite some vocal opposition. When these amendments went before the Holland Planning Commission last month, “there were no comments from the public,” according to Senior City Planner Steve Peterson in documents attached to the agenda for this meeting.
Finally, Council members will be awarding bids for architectural and engineering services, as well as construction management services, for replacing the Waverly Road Fire Station and Renovating the Kollen Park Fire Station. Five firms are vying for the architectural and engineering contract, and six look to land the building pact.
The Holland City Council meets at 6 PM in Chambers at Holland City Hall.