ZEELAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM) – After 15 years, the sale of alcohol in Zeeland will become more in line with neighboring communities.
“Dry” until a somewhat contentious election in 2006 allowed limited sales of liquor by the glass and by the bottle in Zeeland, the city council is set on Monday to loosen restrictions on restaurants and taverns, something welcomed in public hearings held earlier this month by those who are currently doing such business in that community, according to Mayor Kevin Klynstra.
“We went with the state guidelines, which makes it easier,” he said during an appearance on “WHTC Talk of the Town” last Tuesday. “If a restaurant wants to come into town, they know what to expect. It will be a lot simpler for regulating our restaurants downtown and our breweries.”
Among the changes in the ordinance amendment would be reducing the minimum amount of seats in the establishment from 50 to 25, allow Sunday sales for special events, and lower the minimum age for bartenders to 18. No changes to the laws involving sales of liquor by the bottle are expected.
Zeeland in 2006 and Hudsonville a year later were the last two communities in West Michigan to approve alcohol sales.
Zeeland City Council’s meeting on Monday will be at City Hall, beginning at 7 PM.