On Monday, September 6, 2021, Dwayne “Tiger” Teusink, age 84 of Holland, passed away peacefully from this life to the next, where he has been reunited with his son, Scott who predeceased him.
Tiger was born in Holland, Michigan September 9, 1936, to Russell and Helen Teusink. He graduated from Hope College in 1958 and got his MA degree from the University of Michigan in 1964 and was certified as a Tennis Teaching Professional by the U.S. Professional Tennis Registry. Tiger played basketball and tennis at Holland H.S. and Hope College being Captain in both sports during his senior year at Hope. He was active in the Fraternal Society while at Hope.
Tiger coached a total of 52 years, 76 different teams in various High School sports finishing his career with Hope College Women’s Tennis teams for 12 years. Tiger started teaching and coaching at Grand Rapids Wyoming Lee H.S., then Jackson H.S. in Jackson, MI, and finally at Holland High School. He retired from the classroom in 1989 but continued to coach tennis for H.H.S. until 1998. Tiger was a Tennis Teaching Professional at the Holland Tennis Club from 1989 to 1994, at the Hope College DeWitt Tennis Center from 1994 to 2003, being the manager for six years. He continued as a volunteer assistant coach for Hope’s Women’s tennis team until 2009. Tiger was active as a tennis clinic/workshop presenter 23 times in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.
Tiger had many professional association affiliations. He belonged to the Holland Education Association; Michigan & National Education Association; Michigan H.S. Coaches Association (as Officer & President); Michigan H.S. Tennis Association (as Officer, President, Secretary/Treasurer for over 30 years); Michigan H.S. Athletic Association (as Manager/Director of regional and state final tennis tournaments-tennis rules committee-final tennis tournament seeding committee for over 30 years); Michigan Sport Sages; U.S. Professional Tennis Registry; U.S. Tennis Association for over 40 years.
Tiger served his community in many different and various ways. He led the Holland Tennis Patrons; directed the Holland City Recreation Summer Tennis Program; was an active member of Pillar Church, and was a resident and volunteer at the Warm Friend Independent Living Residence.
Tiger received numerous honors and awards during his career. Distinguished Service Award – 1983, USTA, Western Michigan Tennis: 1997, Michigan H.S. Tennis Coaches’; 2005 Michigan H.S. Coaches’; 2009 National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators’; Hall of Fame 1986 Michigan H.S. Tennis Coaches’; 1989 Michigan H.S. Coaches’; 2003 National H.S. Athletic Coaches; 1987 USTA Midwest Section Malless Service Award; 2005 National H.S. Tennis Coach of the Year.
Tiger was honored in 2009 with the Special Recognition Award by Michigan Interscholastic Athletic Administrators. He was selected as Regional Coach of the Year in tennis numerous times and honored as State Coach of the Year 5 times by the Michigan H.S. Tennis Coaches.
In September 2006 the Holland High School Tennis Courts were officially named the “Tiger Teusink Tennis Courts”. In October 2016, Tiger was honored as one of the “Seven over Seventy” individuals recognized by Resthaven and the Holland Sentinel for extraordinary achievements.
Tiger loved serving others as a teacher and coach. He felt it was an honor and privilege to teach and coach. He talked and walked the walk. He always put the student-athlete first in the philosophy of his career. He credited his mentors, Joe Moran (Holland), Russ DeVette (Hope College), Bob Wright (Jackson), and Kirk Anderson (USTA), as leading influences. He believed that he always learned something from those he taught and coached. He was proud to be a “No-Cut” coach. His lifestyle was one of service. Some of his proud memories were when he coached his children; Scott (basketball), Derk (tennis), and Michele (tennis). There was also much golf in his later years playing with his friends at Clearbrook Golf Club. He was indebted to Shirley, his life, his love, his friend who was always by his side and supportive, and who often fed the teams at their home with her great lasagna.
Tiger is survived by his wife, Shirley; children, Derk (Andrea) Teusink, Michele (Todd) Kuiper; he was blessed with five grandchildren, Josh, Austin, Malia, Jackson, and Lars.
A celebration and memorial service of Tigers life will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 2:00 p.m at Pillar Church (57 East 10th St. Holland) with a visitation prior from 12:00 p.m to 2:00 p.m.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Hospice of Holland for their comfort and compassion to Tiger and his family.