HOLLAND (WHTC-AM/FM) — The sound of breaking glass caused Repete’s Party Store employees — who had just closed the shop — to rush to the front of the store.
There, according to Ottawa County Sheriff’s Sgt. Chris Dill, they found a man holding liquor and cigarettes from the store. He dropped the items and fled on foot when confronted, according to Dill.
That suspect is now in Ottawa County Jail, awaiting arraignment on charges related to the breaking and entering incident at 12719 Riley St. in Holland Township
Ottawa County Sheriff’s deputies, called at 11:30 p.m. to the shop learned a rock had been used to break the store’s glass door.
While a Sheriff’s crime scene technician and a K-9 unit responded, other deputies searched for the suspect, using images from the video surveillance camera.
The deputy found the suspect on a nearby street and took him into custody without incident. The suspect, treated for minor injuries he got when breaking glass to get into the store, remains in Ottawa County Jail. He’ll be identified after arraignment.