HOLLAND, MI (Press Release) – In the wake of recently perceived toilet paper shortages, Holland BPW is concerned that other paper items may be disposed of in the sewer system.
Flushing anything other than regular toilet paper can cause sewer backups in homes and problems in the wastewater system. Holland BPW urges that if you need to use anything other than regular toilet paper for your sanitary needs, do not flush it down the toilet. So called “flushable” wipes are not flushable. Wipes, paper towel and facial tissue contain heavy fibers that do not break down like toilet paper when wet.
Materials that do not easily disintegrate in water should be thrown in the garbage, not flushed down the toilet. Only toilet paper can go down the toilet. Heavy fiber tissues get caught in sewers and pumps. They bind together with other debris and create blockages and break and clog pumps. This stops water from flowing through the system and eventually causes backups and damage to the wastewater system and potentially homes.
Holland BPW warns that improper flushing is a costly mistake. Sewer backups in homes can result in expensive plumber calls for residents. Sewer blockages and pump repairs significantly increase maintenance burdens for the Holland BPW wastewater system, which eventually affects rates.
Thanks for your cooperation in keeping items other than toilet paper out of the sewer system. Compliance with this request will improve outcomes for all customers.