Everything Old is New Again
Sunday, 6 pm – 7 pm
About the Show
Everything Old Is New Again is a show every adult in our audience will relate to. Nostalgia experts Douglas Viviani and David Cohen talk about fun pop culture you grew up with — those memorable TV theme songs, comic book Super Heroes, Disney Princesses, Star Trek, Saturday morning cartoons, top TV sitcoms and more.
The show is a regular stopping point for celebrities. Past guests include NBA Hall of Famer Earl “The Pearl” Monroe, Hal Linden, David Soul, Soprano Screen Writer Terrance Winter, Peter Weller, Alan Alda and many more.
Not just a trip down memory lane, Everything Old Is New Again also explores today’s pop culture to compare and contrast with yesterday. Each episode is highly produced and includes nostalgic audio, music and signature sounds to spark the listener’s memories.