OLIVE TWP., MI (WHTC-AM/FM, July 23, 2024) – It has the look of a straight forward, drama-less biweekly business meeting of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday evening.
On the consent agenda is the appointment of 11 seats on the county’s Materials Management Planning Committee, with the board expected to approve the recommended candidates from the interview subcommittee. Among the items to be discussed and voted upon on second reading are revisions to the county’s operating budget policy and fund balance policy.
According to county Fiscal Services Director Karen Karasinski, the fund balance policy needs to be revised, “So that all Special Revenue Funds supported by a general operating transfer will only maintain fund balance that is restricted, non-spendable, or committed by separate resolution of the Board of Commissioners. This change will improve transparency regarding General Fund support to Special Revenue Funds because it will always be reflected as a transfer in. Additionally, it will allow for a more accurate calculation of unassigned General Fund dollars.
“The operating budget policy will also need to be updated in order to recognize that the General Fund contingency must consider all areas of the budget supported by General Fund operating transfers.”
The Ottawa County Board meets at 6:30 PM in the Administration Building at the Fillmore Street Complex (12220 Fillmore St., West Olive). An online link to the agenda and supporting documents here.