LANSING, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, May 16, 2024) – Funding for the infrastructure needed to allow LG Energy Solution to expand its battery plant in Holland got a boost from Lansing on Wednesday.
The Michigan Department of Transportation’s Transportation Economic Development Fund has awarded $2.8 million from its Category A grant program towards eligible construction costs. This will include widening East 40th Street to three lanes while adding right turn lanes, resurfacing and other improvements to the stretch between Waverly Road and the North Branch Bridge over the Macatawa River. It will also improve traffic signal timing along Waverly at the East 40th and East 48th streets intersections. The overall cost of this road project is $3.5 million, with LG Energy contributing the remaining 20 percent.
The Korean-based manufacturer is building out its 14-year-old facility by 1.7 million square feet to the tune of $2.5 billion, creating 1,200 new jobs, in order to supply batteries to Toyota’s electric vehicle fleet. The city has already agreed to annex some acreage from neighboring Fillmore Township to facilitate the expansion, which is expected to be complete sometime next year.