JACKSON, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – The U.S. Department of Energy Wednesday announced a $100 million grant to Consumers Energy to strengthen Michigan’s electric grid.
Consumers Energy says the commitment represents a huge next step to bolster the company’s Reliability Roadmap to reduce the number and length of power outages across the state.
In particular, Consumers Energy will use the federal funding to strengthen the backbone of its electric system in disadvantaged communities – where the most investment is needed to limit outages. Consumers Energy will replace more poles and equipment, plus add the latest technology to detect and respond to outages.
Consumers Energy announced its Reliability Roadmap last month, which includes the long-term goals of no customer without power for more than 24 hours, and no outage affecting more than 100,000 customers.
The new federal funding will help Consumers Energy to accelerate that long-term plan and ultimately reduce costs to customers. The funds come through the Grid Resilience Utility and Industry Grants, which support the modernization of the electric grid to reduce the impact of extreme weather.
Consumers Energy will match the spending with another $100 million once the grant is finalized and the work is done over time.