BATTLE CREEK, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Instead of splitting into three companies like originally planned last summer, it will be splitting into two instead. Kellogg Company, headquartered in Battle Creek, announced on Wednesday, March 15, the names of the two companies it will soon split into.
The first, the WK Kellogg Co will focus on North American cereals, like Rice Krispies and Corn Flakes.
And the second, Kellanova, will include the company’s snack brands, which include Pop-Tarts, Cheez-Its and Pringles, and international cereals.
Kellogg initially announced last summer that it was splitting into three companies: one focused on cereal, one on snacks and one on plant-based food.
Kellogg officials say the cereal company will remain headquartered in Battle Creek, while Kellanova will have it’s corporate headquarters in Chicago with a campus in Battle Creek. They went onto say that the company is not moving or closing any offices and no employees are being asked to move as a part of the company split that is set to happen by the end of this year.