In the waking hours of September 11, 2020 our beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister and friend Harriett Joan Blain (Wilson) was promoted from this life to her home in Glory. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband Paul A. Blain (Sparky) of 57 years, her brother Richard M. Wilson, her sister in-law Mary J. Wilson-Allen, her nephew Kenneth R. Whitney and her grandson Jonathan A. Zimmer.
She is survived by her brother Terry Borges (Jennifer). Her children, David E. Blain (Connie), Laurie D. Zimmer (Mark), Paul A. Blain (Leanne Jacques). Her grandchildren, Rebekah T. Ross (Bryan), Elisabeth A. Glass (Daryl), Travis M. Blain, Zachary E. Blain, Lucas M. Blain, and Hanna G. Blain and her four great grandchildren Andrew M. Ross, Daniel P. Ross, Olivia D. Glass, and Aubrey J. M. Glass. Her many beloved nieces, nephews and cousins.
Joan was loved and cherished by all who crossed her path. She will be remembered for her kindness, quiet grace, generosity, quick wit, and the unconditional love she gave to all. She was the glue that held her family together. Wherever she was, she provided a safe place to land and all were welcome. She was never one to bring attention to herself, but she was a hard worker and a skilled planner. She always made sure everyone was taken care of.
She enjoyed spending time with and caring for her family and those around her. She enjoyed reading, writing short stories and poetry. She enjoyed cooking large meals for her family and friends. She loved to entertain and always made every event special. She enjoyed baking. She always had a cup of tea, a cookie, and a listening ear ready for those in need. She enjoyed vacationing with her beloved husband, Sparky, at local lakes and cottages as well as traveling to New York, Tennessee, and Florida. Every trip was an adventure. She especially enjoyed being near and wiggling her toes in the water. She was a loved and faithful member of Grace Life Bible Church of Grand Rapids.
A memorial service will be held at Grace Life Bible Church 3020 Lake Michigan Dr. Grand Rapids, MI 49504 on Saturday, October 17th, 2020 at 11:00 AM. With respect to the current circumstances regarding Covid-19 and for the safety of those who chose to attend we kindly ask that masks be worn before and after the service while in the building. Socially distanced seating will be provided. For those unable to attend the memorial service it will be live streamed on the Grace Life Bible Church web page @
In lieu of flowers please consider donations to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or Grace Life Bible Church of Grand Rapids MI.