HOLLAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Nov. 18, 2022) – It’s time for a new challenge for both Mike Goorhouse and the Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area.
On Friday, the Foundation’s Board announced the resignation of Goorhouse as President and Chief Executive Officer after eight years of leadership. The Holland Christian High product has seen the Foundation grow during his tenure through programs such as the Today-Tomorrow-Forever Campaign, which brought in $5 million for the Community Endowment, as well as securing 100 new estate gift commitments, co-launching the Housing Next initiative for addressing the affordable housing issue along the Lakeshore, and seeing the CFHZ surpass the $100 million mark in total assets. During the COVID 19 outbreak in 2020, Goorhouse and the Foundation were among a number of non-profits that established the careottawacounty.com initiative for funneling donations of time and money to help those affected by the pandemic.
In a statement issued by the Foundation, Goorhouse said, “I have never been more proud and more humbled by the privilege of serving as President/CEO of the Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area, and at the same time, I am feeling called to a professional transition. It’s never easy to decide to leave an organization in which you have deep roots, that you believe is doing critically important work for your community, and that you see making a greater impact with each passing year, but I believe this is a moment when I can leave, confident CFHZ is in a position of strength, and set up for continued success and exceptional service to the Holland/Zeeland community.”
Goorhouse, who didn’t give any initial indication of his future plans in that statement, will remain in his leadership position into early 2023 as the Board has retained Kittleman & Associates to help in the search for his replacement.