DEARBORN, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Nov. 8, 2022) – Firearms deer hunting season in Michigan begins next Tuesday, but for motorists, what is a year-round season becomes even more enhanced during the “rut.”
Triple-A Michigan began its “Don’t Veer for Deer” awareness campaign at the beginning of November, which is right in the middle of the highest amount of such collisions annually, according to Auto Club spokesperson Adrienne Woodland, who spoke during her weekly appearance on “WHTC Morning News.”
The deer are especially out along the Lakeshore, with Ottawa and Allegan counties among the top 10 for vehicle-deer collisions in Michigan during 2021, totaling nearly 26 hundred of the over 52 thousand such crashes statewide. AAA says that 10 persons lost their lives in Michigan during 2021, with more than 14 hundred injured, and damage worth $130 million-plus caused by hits among the two million-strong deer herd.