PAW PAW, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — The Michigan State Police (MSP) Paw Paw post is partnering with National Faith & Blue and will be conducting a free car seat check event on Saturday October 8 from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Kalamazoo First Assembly of God located at 5550 Oakland Drive in Portage.
Free car seats will be given to families that qualify.
The National Faith & Blue was launched in 2020 with the mission of facilitating safer, stronger, and more just and unified communities by directly enabling local partnerships among law enforcement professionals, residents, businesses, and community groups through the connections of local faith-based organizations.
The National Faith & Blue initiative strives to re-calibrate police-community relations through solutions-focused, in-person, socially distanced, and/or virtual activities that are organized jointly by faith-based or other community groups and law enforcement agencies.
For additional information, contact Trooper Mabie, Community Service Trooper – MSP Paw Paw Post, at 269-308-1567.