ALLEGAN, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — K-9 Knox was purchased in March of this year with the Holland Michigan Kennel Club’s donation of $13,500 and was placed with his handler Deputy Michael Murphy.
Knox is a 15-month-old German Shepherd that was purchased from Lucas K9 in Poland.
In April, the two of them completed a four-week basic K9 academy with Mid-Michigan Police K-9. At the completion of the academy, K-9 Knox and Deputy Murphy were certified as a dual-purpose patrol team.
Knox’s dual-purpose title has him certified in narcotic detection, tracking, article searching, apprehension, and building searching.
Deputy Murphy and K-9 Knox have been on the road since graduating in April and are already out making an impact in the community.
They have already successfully assisted in locating multiple subjects who fled from law enforcement as well as locating illegal narcotics.
Most recently, the Holland Michigan Kennel Club made another donation to the Sheriff’s Office K-9 Team of $350.