HOLLAND TWP., MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Mar. 16, 2022) – Another piece of evidence for those who advocate two-footed driving occurred late on Tuesday night on Holland’s North Side.
According to Ottawa County Sheriff’s Sergeant Chris Koster, deputies were called to a residence in the 37 hundred block of West Traditions Way, in the vicinity of Quincy Street and 136th Avenue, around 11:30 PM on a report of a vehicle striking a townhome. That’s where a 29-year-old Holland man, who thought he had his foot on the brake, apparently had the foot on the accelerator instead and crashed his vehicle into the east wall of the residence. The motorist and those inside of the townhome at the time were not hurt.
There are some who say that driver’s education teachers should instruct motorists to use both feet when behind the wheel, claiming that, with automatic transmissions being the norm in vehicles, there is no need to have the left foot free to push the clutch pedal needed to shift gears in manual transmission vehicles.