HOLLAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Mar. 2, 2022) – Three ordinance amendments go up for a final vote during tonight’s Holland City Council bi-weekly business meeting.
Two of the measures are procedural in nature. One would reset the six Council wards to reflect changing population trends indicated by the 2020 US Census, with a change in the city charter to align it with state law on this matter. Another would lengthen the amount of time members of the public can address Council during business meetings and work-study sessions, while dropping the requirement for those addressing council to give their home address, opting instead to give just the municipality in which they live.
The third ordinance amendment alters the City Code to facilitate the Holland BPW’s plans to expand its broadband service, with the municipal utility still needing to submit a business plan to Council for its approval before making “substantial” changes with this system.
These and other matters will go before the Holland City Council at its 6 PM business meeting in Chambers at Holland City Hall, with a link to the agenda and supporting documents here.