LANSING, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Monday, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Directive 2021-3, which requires MDHHS to prohibit use of state and federal funds for the practice of conversion therapy on minors.
The directive also requires departments and agencies to explore what further actions can be taken to protect minors from this practice.
The governor was joined by Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist, medical and psychological professionals, as well as representatives from the Ruth Ellis Center and Equality Michigan to discuss the negative impacts of conversion therapy on LGBTQ+ youth.
Governor Whitmer also called on the legislature to codify a ban on conversion therapy, adding that taxpayer dollars should be spent solely on evidence-based medical and mental health services.
“Since day one, I have made it clear that hate has no home in Michigan,” Governor Whitmer said. “My administration is committed to addressing the systemic barriers faced by young LGBTQ+ Michiganders so that our state is a place where they are able to reach their full potential. The actions we take today will serve as a starting point in protecting our LGBTQ+ youth from the damaging practice of conversion therapy and in ensuring that Michigan is a reflection of true inclusion.”
Conversion therapy, also known as “reparative therapy” refers to any intervention that attempts to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Whitmer says it rests on the false premise that an LGBTQ+ individual’s identity is pathological and must be “repaired” or “fixed.”
Whitmer adds that, not only is conversion therapy ineffectual, it can lead to significant long-term harm, including anxiety, depression, internalized homophobia, self-blame and higher risk of suicide.
She says LGBTQ+ youth, who may be unable to refuse or resist conversion therapy sought by their parents or guardians, are particularly vulnerable to these harms.
“Governor Whitmer’s directive affirms our commitment to support the health, safety, and welfare of Michigan’s LGBTQ+ youth. Every step we take towards equality will impact Michiganders for generations to come, and we are committed to walking on the right side of history,” Lt. Governor Gilchrist said. “Members of the LGBTQ+ community face systemic barriers and are often further marginalized by this harmful practice. Our administration is committed to addressing these barriers and making Michigan a reflection of true equality. Governor Whitmer and I will continue to work towards ensuring that hate has no home in Michigan.”
Among others to speak Monday included Kalamazoo City Commissioner Erin Knott, who is also the Executive Director of Equality Michigan.
“No child should be subjected to the abusive practice of so-called conversion therapy, which sends the harmful message that there is something wrong with who you are,” Knott said. “Luckily, LGBTQ+ kids in Michigan have the support of Governor Whitmer who is doing everything in her power to protect them from this dangerous, fraudulent practice that should never be subsidized with taxpayer dollars. Equality Michigan calls upon the legislature to immediately pass legislation prohibiting mental health providers from subjecting anymore LGBTQ+ kids in Michigan to this discredited practice.”
To view Executive Directive 2021-3 click the link below: