HOLLAND, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Sept. 28, 2023) – Six hopefuls looking to fill three soon-to-be-vacant seats on the Holland City Council met in Chambers at City Hall on Wednesday night.
The League of Women Voters of the Holland Area conducted a 90-minute-plus candidate forum on the contested races. With Lyn Raymond deciding to run unopposed for the Second Ward spot that Jay Peters is vacating through retirement, her current At-Large Seat is being contested by Michael Schultheis.
He will be opposed by Ryan Spencer.
Nicki Arendshorst is also stepping down after one term in the Fourth Ward, so looking to succeed her is Kim Rowan.
She will be opposed by Michael Short.
Seeking to replace the retiring Dave Hoekstra in representing the Sixth Ward is Ben Adama.
He will be opposed by Devin Shea.
The forum was held less than six weeks from the November 7th General Election.
-The attached YouTube video was produced by the City of Holland and is courtesy of the City of Holland, Michigan and the League of Women Voters of the Holland Area