If we were going to get any good fall color shots this autumn season, today may be the day.
Yeah, it’s supposed to be in the 60’s on Saturday, but that our wedding anniversary day, so off we went to Windmill Island Gardens on this Indian Summer-like Friday afternoon.
First we stopped at an accident scene from earlier this week. Nobody got hurt, so we didn’t put a story out on this, but the bricks on the ground brought back images from the line in the classic rock hit from Alice Cooper in the 1970’s, “Welcome to My Nightmare.”
Glad to see some of the trees got the memo to change colors on cue, but the warmer weather along the Lakeshore means our fall color season comes a little later than the rest of the state. Still, there were some good scenes to capture, and who knows, we may get another opportunity or two before the early winter winds blow all the leaves down.
Oh yes, we had to take a photo of the anerobic digester now that the paint job is done. A nice shade of municipal grey that doesn’t offend anyone and just adds a little drabness to the area.