KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – Kalamazoo area based Bell’s Brewery has announced a sales agreement that will see them join forces with New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado.
According to Bell’s founder and President Larry Bell, “by bringing together two of the largest and fastest-growing craft brand families in the country and unifying our companies under a single business model, we’re creating one of the best and largest craft portfolios in the country. Under the terms of the deal, I am selling my stake in Bell’s to Lion, who acquired Colorado-based New Belgium in 2019. ”
“As I make this announcement, I want to make two things very clear: First, Bell’s home is – and will remain – in Kalamazoo County. While I fully expect this alignment with New Belgium will result in countless new fans around the country and beyond, we are still a Michigan-based operation brewing (world-class) Michigan beer. Second, our values, our DNA and our dedication to this community will not change. If anything, our belief in positively impacting the world will only be strengthened through our work with New Belgium.”
Larry Bell started brewing in the basement of his house on Wheaton Street, which turned into a homebrew shop on Burdick Street, and ultimately grew into their downtown Kalamazoo and Comstock breweries.
The original name was Kalamazoo Brewing Company, a nod to the community’s original brewery that closed in 1915. The business began in 1985.