LANSING, MI (WKZO AM/FM) – In a move especially applauded by those in the hospitality industry, Governor Gretchen Whitmer Thursday accelerated the end of all COVID-19 epidemic orders on gatherings and masking as COVID-19 cases continue to plummet following increased vaccinations. Beginning June 22, capacity in both indoor and outdoor settings will increase to 100% and the state will no longer require residents to wear a face mask.
“This is positive news for the hospitality industry,” said MLBA Executive Director Scott Ellis. “Michigan bars and restaurants have struggled greatly in order to keep their doors open throughout the pandemic. Owners, employees and patrons are eager to get life back to normal.”
“Today is a day that we have all been looking forward to, as we can safely get back to normal day-to-day activities and put this pandemic behind us,” said Governor Whitmer.
Nearly five million Michiganders ages 16 and older have received their first vaccine dose, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. According to data from the Michigan Care Improvement Registry, half of Michigan residents have completed their vaccination and over 60% have gotten their first shots.
“This is great news and a day all of us have been looking forward to for more than a year,” said Elizabeth Hertel, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services director. “We have said all along that the vaccine would help us return to a sense of normalcy and today we announce that day is here.”
COVID-19 case rates, percent positivity, and hospitalizations have all plummeted over the past several weeks. Currently, Michigan is experiencing 24.3 cases per million and has recorded a 1.9% positivity rate over the last seven days.
Nearly five million Michiganders ages 16 and older have received their first vaccine dose, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. According to data from the Michigan Care Improvement Registry, half of Michigan residents have completed their vaccination and over 60% have gotten their first shots.
In addition to the Gatherings and Mask Order, additional orders are being rescinded as of June 22. These include:
Temporary Restrictions for Entry into Congregate Care and Juvenile Justice Facilities
Mandatory Testing for Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ Juvenile Justice Facility Staff
Mandatory Testing for Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Hospitals and Centers Staff
Exceptions to Temporary Restrictions on Entry into Congregate Care and Juvenile Justice Facilities
Exceptions to Temporary Restrictions on Entry into Certain Facilities
Safe Housing for Housing Unstable Individuals
Handling of Bodily Remains
Safe Housing for Michigan Homeless
Additionally, some orders will remain in effect to protect vulnerable populations in corrections, long-term care and agriculture. Public health measures will continue for reporting requirements and COVID testing to make sure areas where community spread is high are identified, kids are safe in school and free COVID-19 tests are available. Guidance for keeping children and staff safe in schools will be released next week.