LANSING, MI (WKZO AM/FM) — Not seasonally adjusted jobless rates decreased in 14 of Michigan’s 17 major labor market areas between October and November, according to data released today from the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget.
“The regional unemployment rate reductions in November were often due to fewer persons active in the labor market,” said Wayne Rourke, associate director of the Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives. “Payroll jobs generally rose in November in retail trade and declined in leisure and hospitality across Michigan metro areas.”
Michigan’s regional jobless rates ranged from 3.4 to 8.9 percent during November. Rate declines were from 0.1 to 1.1 percentage points with a median decrease of 0.6 percentage points. The most pronounced jobless rate cut occurred in the Monroe metropolitan statistical area (MSA).
The Detroit MSA and the Northeast Lower Michigan region exhibited rate increases over the month. The Upper Peninsula jobless rate remained unchanged in November.
The department notes that the data released today is not seasonally adjusted. As a result, employment and unemployment trends may differ from previously released Michigan seasonally adjusted data.
Unemployment rates increase over year:
Jobless rates rose over the year in all 17 Michigan labor market regions with a median rate increase of 1.4 percentage points. The Detroit metro region exhibited the largest over-the-year rate gain of 5.4 percentage points since November 2019.
Total employment down over month and year:
Total employment fell in 12 Michigan regions over the month. Many employment
declines were modest with a median decrease of 0.6 percent. The largest over-themonth employment cut was seasonal and occurred in the Northeast Lower Michigan region. Four regions exhibited employment increases over the month, led by the Battle Creek MSA (+0.9 percent).
Fifteen labor market regions had employment reductions over the year. The largest over-the-year decline occurred in the Monroe MSA (-6.9 percent).
Regional labor force levels down over month and year:
Fourteen Michigan labor market areas displayed workforce reductions during November. Labor force declines ranged from 0.3 to 1.5 percent with a median decrease of 1.0 percent. The most pronounced monthly percent workforce decline occurred in the Monroe and Northwest Michigan regions. The Battle Creek and Detroit metro areas exhibited workforce increases over the month.
Labor force levels also receded in 14 Michigan regions over the year. The Monroe metro area recorded the largest workforce reduction since November 2019 (-5.7
percent). The Northwest Lower Michigan, Upper Peninsula, and Detroit regions all registered labor force gains over this period.
Payroll employment edges down in November:
The monthly survey of employers showed that not seasonally adjusted Michigan payroll jobs inched down over the month by 10,000, or 0.3 percent, to 4,063,000. The state’s leisure and hospitality industry displayed the largest job cut, down by 17,000 in November.
Payroll jobs moved down in seven Michigan metro areas during November. Over-the-month job reductions ranged from 0.2 to 1.7 percent with the largest percentage drop in the Monroe MSA. Six regions added industry jobs over the month, led by the Battle Creek MSA (+1.3 percent).
The Lansing metro region employment total was little changed in November. Michigan nonfarm jobs dropped sharply by 418,000, or 9.3 percent, over the year, due to the impact of the pandemic. All 14 metro regions exhibited payroll job reductions over the year, led by the Monroe metro area (-15.5 percent).
County jobless rates mostly down in November, up over the year:
Fifty-seven Michigan counties exhibited jobless rate reductions in November, led by Monroe County (-1.1 percentage points). Twenty-one areas had increased rates, and five regions exhibited no rate change since October. Over the year, 70 Michigan counties recorded higher jobless rates.
Michigan counties ranked by unemployment rate – November 2020 (West Michigan Only):
- 2: Ottawa County – 3.2
- 8: Allegan County – 3.6
- 22: Kalamazoo County – 4.0
- 31: Branch County – 4.3
- 35: St. Joseph County – 4.3
- 40: Van Buren County – 4.4
- 56: Calhoun County – 5.2
To see the full ranking list, including data tables, click here.