SHELBYVILLE, MI (WHTC-AM/FM) – At least two people died during three separate traffic crashes along a stretch of US-131 on Thursday, Dec. 11, 2020.
The first crash occurred just before noon near the 124th Avenue exit, when a northbound semi struck a pedestrian who had apparently stepped into a lane of traffic while working on a broken down vehicle on the shoulder. That pedestrian died at the scene.
While traffic was backed up due to that incident, a four-vehicle pileup two hours later, about six miles south, near Plainwell, led to the death of another motorist.
“Three vehicles were stopped when a driver of a midsize pickup truck failed to stop for the backed up traffic, causing this crash, said Allegan County Sheriff’s Captain Scott Matice, in a statement emailed to media. “An occupant of one of the vehicle struck was severely injured and died on the scene. No other injuries (were sustained) for any of the other occupants of the other vehicles.”
A third crash reported on US-131, north of 116th Avenue in Martin Township was investigated by Michigan State troopers from the Wayland Post.
This crash involved two semi-tractor trailers and a pick-up truck, according to MSP Lt. DuWayne Robinson. The first semi had slowed in the traffic backup caused by the earlier crashes. The pickup truck driver immediately behind the first semi also slowed down.
But the driver of the second semi-tractor trailer didn’t see the pickup slowing down or realize there was a traffic jam ahead, police said, and hit the back of the pickup, which hit the first semi-tractor trailer. The force of the crash sent the pickup and second semi off the road and into a ditch, Robinson said.
All three drivers in this crash were treated by EMS on scene with one driver going by ambulance to Metro Health Hospital for further treatment.
No names were disclosed in any of the crashes, pending notification of relatives. Northbound US-131 was closed at the Plainwell exit for several hours while these incidents were investigated by officers of several jurisdictions.
— Peg McNichol contributed to this story.